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Frequently Asked Questions
We are here to help you find the information you need and offer guidance on research methods. With our comprehensive list of frequently asked questions, you can find the answers you're looking for quickly and easily. If you can’t find what you need, or still have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask a member of the library staff.
How do I join the library?You can join the library by completing our online registration form
What are the library opening times?Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust The library at Chesterfield Royal Hospital is staffed 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. You can gain access out of hours by contacting us directly. University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS Foundation Trust The libraries at Derby & Burton have different staffed hours, please see below: Derby Monday to Thursday, 8am-6pm. Friday, 9am-5pm. Burton Monday to Thursday, 8.30am-4.30pm Friday 8.30am - 4pm You can gain access 24/7 using your Trust swipe card. Contact us for more details. Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust The library at Kingsway is staffed 9.30am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
How do I borrow books?You can borrow books from any of the three library & knowledge services. To search the catalogue, click on the links below. To borrow books, you will need to be a member of the Derbyshire NHS Library and Knowledge Service, you can register here. Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS Foundation Trust Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust If you are having trouble using the catalogue or reserving books, please get in touch.
Can books be posted out to me?Yes, if you are unable to visit one of the libraries in person, we can post out the books to you. Please let us know the address you would like the books posting out to and we will arrange for them to be sent out to you.
How do I return my books?You can return the books in person to your nearest Derbyshire NHS Library and Knowledge Service. Alternatively, you can post the book back to us. The addresses for each library service are listed below.
How do I access online resources?To access our online resources, you will need an Open Athens account. If you don’t have an account, you will need to register. The full list of our online resources can be found on our online resources page. If you need help navigating around our online resources, please get in touch.
How do I get an Open Athens account?You can self-register for an Open Athens account online
How do I access an eBook?To access our eBook collection, you will need an Open Athens account. If you don’t have an account, you will need to register. Oxford Medicine Online You have access to hundreds of Oxford Handbooks, Textbooks and Emergencies in.... via Oxford Medicine Online. You can access Oxford Medicine Online directly here. Click on the 'person icon' in the top right-hand corner - select 'Sign in through your Institution', search 'NHS in England' and select, then enter your Open Athens login credentials. Kortext You can sign-up to Kortext via Open Athens, simply visit the Kortext website, search for Derbyshire Community Health Services FT, select and click, ‘continue’. Enter your Open Athens username and password and click ‘sign in’. If you need help accessing your Open Athens account please contact our administrator at:
Do you have BMJ Best Practice?Yes, you can access BMJ Best Practice using your Open Athens account. For more information on how to log in and download the app visit BMJ Best Practice webpage.
Do you have access to the Royal Marsden Online?Yes, The Royal Marsden Online can be accessed on any Derbyshire Community Health Services Trust network. Alternatively, you can sign into your Open Athens account to access off site. Visit the Royal Marsden Manual website and click, sign-in.
What do I do if I’m having problems accessing online resources?Please contact our Systems and eResources Librarian at:
How do I access Journals?We have a wide variety of electronic journals, you can browse, read, and monitor current journal content on your laptop or desktop using BrowZine. It brings together all articles from our subscribed journals and Open Access material into a single place. You will need to sign-in to your OpenAthens account to access journals in BrowZine. To register for an NHS Athens account, please click here.
How do I get easy access to Articles?Install LibKey Nomad to your browser! It can be easily install in seconds in Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Brave and Vivaldi. After installation, LibKey Nomad prompts you to select your subscribing institution. Select 'Derbyshire Community Health Services FT.' After that, it simply automatically scans for scholarly content wherever you may roam – look out for the below icons. You will also need an OpenAthens account to get access to subscribed content.
How do I search Healthcare databases?You can search the databases through the NHS Library and Knowledge Hub or directly on the Ovid, EBSCO, or ProQuest websites. The following databases are available to you. AMED (Ovid) – allied and complementary medicine including palliative care. BNI (ProQuest) – nursing, midwifery, and community healthcare CINAHL (EBSCOHost)– nursing and allied health Embase (Ovid) – biomedical and pharmaceutical literature Emcare (Ovid) – nursing and allied health HMIC (Ovid)– healthcare management Medline (Ovid or EBSCOHost) – biomedical, life sciences, allied health, and pre-clinical sciences literature PsycInfo (ProQuest) – psychology, behavioural sciences, and related disciplines Social Policy and Practice (Ovid) – behavioural and social sciences, social work, and public health Trip Pro Database – Systematic reviews, guidelines, and trials. To access these databases, you will need an NHS OpenAthens account
How to do I access articles in PubMed?We have created an icon that links out to any full-text articles we subscribe to. This makes accessing articles incredibly quick and easy. All you need to do is set-up your Outside Tool in your NCBI account. You can set up a ‘MY NCBI’ account by registering here. To set-up your Outside Tool, firstly login to your NCBI account, click 'NCBI Site Preferences’, then click 'Outside Tool' and select 'D' then scroll down & select 'Derbyshire Community Health Services’, then scroll back up to the top of the page & select 'MY NCBI'. ​ Once you've set up the Outside Tool look out for the below icon to access full-text articles in PubMed. (You will need to be logged in to your My NCBI account). If we don't subscribe to the full text, when you click n the icon you will be re-directed to an article request form, which will be set directly to us. We will then try & gain access to the full text for you and send you a PDF version.
How do I access articles in Google Scholar?Google Scholar can be used to search for information online, including articles, books, conference papers, theses, grey literature, and official reports. Linking our library & Knowledge service to Google Scholar will ensure that you get access to any full text that we subscribe to. ​ If you have already installed LibKey Nomad to your browser, you are already connected and don't need to do anything else. If you haven't installed LibKey Nomad you can connect to the Library & Knowledge Service via Google Scholar settings & selecting 'Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS FT'. This will give you direct access to our electronic resources.
How do I request an article?To request an article or book not available from our collection please complete our interlibrary loan form, agree to the copy right declaration, and click submit.
How do I request an evidence search?To request an evidence search please complete our Evidence search request form. This service isn’t available for students, if you would like help searching the databases, we deliver training, which you can book onto here.
Do you have a current awareness service?Yes, you can sign up to KnowledgeShare by completing the registration form.
Where can I get help with evidence searches?You can find guidance on how to plan your search, create you search strategy and search the databases on the library website. We also deliver information skills training; all our training can be found here.
How can I get help with Critical Appraisal?We have a dedicated webpage designed to help you make sense of critical appraisal with links for further reading, including eLearning modules. We also offer critical appraisal training, which you can book onto via our training webpage.
Do you offer support with a Journal Club?Yes, visit our dedicated webpage on how we can support you with your journal club.
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