We offer training face-to-face either in the library or at your place of work. Alternatively, we can deliver training virtually via MS Teams. We can tailor the time and day to suit you.

Information Skills
Accessing e-Resources and Keeping Up-To-Date
Discover a world of resources to help support your professional practice, your research or coursework, and help you keep up-to-date
Finding the evidence -(Literature Searching)
Learn how to find authoritative healthcare research effectively and efficiently
Critical Appraisal: An Introduction
Learn how to appraise healthcare research quickly and effectively.
Reflective Writing
Learn what reflection, and reflective writing is, be introduced to Gibb's Model, and learn how to write a reflective piece.

Establishing a Journal Club
Looking to set up a journal club? Discover tips and tricks, how to set up eTOC alerts, how to find suitable papers and how to begin appraising them.
Journal clubs can be facilitated at your place of work at a time that suits your department.